We all have had one of those bulky, three-ring binders that is full with every aspect we think we need to run a successful team and have a successful season. Our binders are our lives. Some may say that their binders are the Bibles. However, I wouldn’t go that far. So, if these binders are so important to so many coaches, it’s important for them to be organized. What is the point of having one if you can’t find anything inside of it? Therefore, let’s take a closer look at Cheerleading Coach Binder Organization.
6 TIPS FOR cheerleading coach binder organization
Determine the purpose of your binder.
Do you want it to be where every document you need for your season stays? Is your goal for it to only be where you keep the important documentation? Is it something in between? If you knowing this, it will help you to get started.
Find a pretty binder.
I love all things pretty and sometimes, I’m more motivated to keep things organized inside if the outside is pretty. Maybe you choose a binder that matches your team colors or one that just has a pretty design. Doesn’t matter!
Identify exactly what items you want to go inside of your binder.
That way, you don’t have unnecessary things inside. We have a blog post that shares our top 5 things you need in your cheerleading coach binder if you want to check it out.
Create sections so you can easily find what you’re looking for.
You can find tabbed section dividers at most office supply stores and some craft stores. Grab yourself a few, label them and use as section dividers. Some of the sections that were inside of my binder were: team, parents, money, & calendars.
Hole punch your documents and add them into your binder within the section that makes the most sense.
If you’re including a roster, this would go under your “team” section, if you’re including fundraising information, this would go under your “money” section, etc.
You’re good to go!
Now your binder should be organized and clutter free – hopefully relieving you of any stress!
Certainly, this isn’t an exhaustive list of things you can do to organize your binder but it is a good start. It can take some time to do and requires you to have a clear plan. To help make organizing your binder even easier, check out our downloadable binder sheets for your cheer coach binder. We are also always creating new freebies to share with our readers – some of which would be great additions to your cheer coach binder. & if you’re not interested in creating your own cheerleading coach binder, head on over and shop The Cheer Coach Planner which takes all of the stress out of creating your own bulky binder!
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